--connect to MySQL mysql -u nameUser; --with password mysql -u nameUser -p;
--list databases SHOW DATABASES; -- create database CREATE DATABASE db_name CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; -- choose database USE db_name;
-- list table SHOW TABLES; -- show table DESCRIBE NAME_TABLE; -- create table CREATE TABLE table_name2 ( id INT(6) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, publish BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, created TIMESTAMP ); -- delete table DROP TABLE table_name;
-- list users select user, host, password from mysql.user; --create new user CREATE USER 'newuser' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; --grant permission for user on all database GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser' @ 'localhost'; --permission only for certain database GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nameBase. * TO 'newuser' @ 'localhost'; --update permission FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
--backup db mysqldump -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 db_name > /path_/db_name.sql --backup db from remote server ssh root@domain.ru "mysqldump -u root dbname| gzip" | gunzip > /root/dbname.sql --Restore db mysql -u root -p db_name < db_name.sql --backup all db mysqldump -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8 --all-databases > alldb.sql
--Basics USE sql_store; SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state = ‘CA’ ORDER BY first_name LIMIT 3; -- Using expressions SELECT (points * 10 + 20) AS discount_factor FROM customers -- Removing duplicates SELECT DISTINCT state FROM customers -- AND (both conditions must be True) SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ AND points > 1000 -- OR (at least one condition must be True) SELECT * FROM customers WHERE birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’ OR points > 1000 -- NOT (to negate a condition) SELECT * FROM customers WHERE NOT (birthdate > ‘1990-01-01’) --IN Operator -- Returns customers in any of these states: VA, NY, CA SELECT * FROM customers WHERE state IN (‘VA’, ‘NY’, ‘CA’) --BETWEEN Operator SELECT * FROM customers WHERE points BETWEEN 100 AND 200 --LIKE Operator -- Returns customers whose first name starts with b SELECT * FROM customers WHERE first_name LIKE ‘b%’ --• %: any number of characters --• _: exactly one character --REGEXP Operator -- Returns customers whose first name starts with a SELECT * FROM customers WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^a’ --• ^: beginning of a string --• $: end of a string --• |: logical OR --• [abc]: match any single characters --• [a-d]: any characters from a to d -- Returns customers whose first name ends with EY or ON WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘ey$|on$’ -- Returns customers whose first name starts with MY -- or contains SE WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘^my|se’ -- Returns customers whose first name contains B followed by -- R or U WHERE first_name REGEXP ‘b[ru]’ --IS NULL Operator -- Returns customers who don’t have a phone number SELECT * FROM customers WHERE phone IS NULL --ORDER BY Clause -- Sort customers by state (in ascending order), and then -- by their first name (in descending order) SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY state, first_name DESC --LIMIT Clause -- Return only 3 customers SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 3 -- Skip 6 customers and return 3 SELECT * FROM customers LIMIT 6, 3 --Inner Joins SELECT * FROM customers c JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id --Outer Joins -- Return all customers whether they have any orders or not SELECT * FROM customers c LEFT JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id --USING Clause --If column names are exactly the same, you can simplify the join with the USING clause. SELECT * FROM customers c JOIN orders o USING (customer_id) --Cross Joins -- Combine every color with every size SELECT * FROM colors CROSS JOIN sizes --Unions -- Combine records from multiple result sets SELECT name, address FROM customers UNION SELECT name, address FROM clients
-- Insert a single record INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points) VALUES (‘Mosh’, NULL, DEFAULT) -- Insert multiple single records INSERT INTO customers(first_name, phone, points) VALUES (‘Mosh’, NULL, DEFAULT), (‘Bob’, ‘1234’, 10)
--change title in row with id 1 UPDATE table_name SET title = ‘Text for row' WHERE id = '1';
--check before delete SELECT * from `b_event` where `EVENT_NAME` = 'COUPON_AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_ORDER' --delete delete from `b_event` where `EVENT_NAME` = 'COUPON_AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_ORDER'
--In file /etc/my.cnf add in section [mysqld] default_storage_engine=MyISAM innodb_strict_mode = 0
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